2005 - 2023 - 連續十八年榮獲「商界展關懷」大獎

2005 - 2022 - 連續十七年榮獲「商界展關懷」大獎

2021年度《BENCHMARK - 指標》財富管理大獎
安柏環球金融集團連續六年(2016年-2021年)榮獲著名財經雜誌《指標》頒發“財富管理大獎”之IFA OF THE YEAR 年度大獎”!安柏環球金融集團並成為全港唯一連續十二年榮獲“財富管理大獎”殊榮的金融機構。
安柏環球金融集團連續六年(2016年-2021年)榮獲著名財經雜誌《指標》頒發“財富管理大獎”之IFA OF THE YEAR 年度大獎”!安柏環球金融集團並成為全港唯一連續十二年榮獲“財富管理大獎”殊榮的金融機構。

【安柏環球金融集團榮獲 「香港財務策劃師學會 2021企業理財教育領袖金獎」】
安柏環球金融集團在香港財務策劃師學會 (IFPHK) 舉辦的2021理財教育領袖大獎中;榮獲「企業理財教育領袖金獎」,並於2022年1月6日由香港財務策劃師學會行政總裁劉振輝先生頒發該獎項予安柏環球金融集團主席兼行政總裁楊學超先生。
其他獲獎機構包括友邦保險、AXA安盛、交通銀行、中國人壽保險 (海外)、大新銀行、富通保險、富衛人壽、英國保誠及永明金融等。
安柏環球金融集團在香港財務策劃師學會 (IFPHK) 舉辦的2021理財教育領袖大獎中;榮獲「企業理財教育領袖金獎」,並於2022年1月6日由香港財務策劃師學會行政總裁劉振輝先生頒發該獎項予安柏環球金融集團主席兼行政總裁楊學超先生。
其他獲獎機構包括友邦保險、AXA安盛、交通銀行、中國人壽保險 (海外)、大新銀行、富通保險、富衛人壽、英國保誠及永明金融等。

2020年度《BENCHMARK – 指標》財富管理大獎
安柏環球金融集團連續五年 (2016年-2020年) 榮獲著名財經雜誌《指標》頒發“財富管理大獎”之IFA OF THE YEAR 年度大獎!安柏環球金融集團並成為全港唯一連續十一年榮獲“財富管理大獎”殊榮的金融機構。
安柏環球金融集團連續五年 (2016年-2020年) 榮獲著名財經雜誌《指標》頒發“財富管理大獎”之IFA OF THE YEAR 年度大獎!安柏環球金融集團並成為全港唯一連續十一年榮獲“財富管理大獎”殊榮的金融機構。

2005 - 2020 - 連續十五年榮獲「商界展關懷」大獎

安柏環球金融集團連續十二年(2009-2020)榮獲由國際著名商業雜誌MEDIAZONE GROUP頒發之“香港最有價值企業大獎”。

2019年度《BENCHMARK - 指標》財富管理大獎
2019年度《BENCHMARK – 指標》財富管理大獎
安柏環球金融集團連續四年(2016年-2019年)榮獲著名財經雜誌《指標》頒發“財富管理大獎”之IFA OF THE YEAR 年度大獎!安柏環球金融集團並成為全港唯一連續十年榮獲“財富管理大獎”殊榮的金融機構。
2019年度《BENCHMARK – 指標》財富管理大獎
安柏環球金融集團連續四年(2016年-2019年)榮獲著名財經雜誌《指標》頒發“財富管理大獎”之IFA OF THE YEAR 年度大獎!安柏環球金融集團並成為全港唯一連續十年榮獲“財富管理大獎”殊榮的金融機構。

2019 國際顧問最佳顧問公司區域大獎
榮獲2019國際顧問最佳顧問公司區域大獎INTERNATIONAL ADVISER BEST PRACTICE ADVISER AWARDS 2019 – Best Adviser Firm by Region Award
榮獲2019國際顧問最佳顧問公司區域大獎INTERNATIONAL ADVISER BEST PRACTICE ADVISER AWARDS 2019 – Best Adviser Firm by Region Award

完整訪問: http://www.mediazone.com.hk/hkmvc/2019/02/25/consumer-power-ushers-in-new-era-of-change/
完整訪問: http://www.mediazone.com.hk/hkmvc/2019/02/25/consumer-power-ushers-in-new-era-of-change/

2005 - 2019 - 連續十四年榮獲「商界展關懷」大獎
安柏環球金融集團連續十四年榮獲由香港社會服務聯會頒發之「商界展關懷」大獎。對於再次獲獎,我們感到非常高興。 我們來年會繼續努力,惠澤社群。
安柏環球金融集團連續十四年榮獲由香港社會服務聯會頒發之「商界展關懷」大獎。對於再次獲獎,我們感到非常高興。 我們來年會繼續努力,惠澤社群。

《BENCHMARK - 指標》2018香港年度財富管理大獎
*祝賀其他2018年度獲獎機構包括:富衛人壽、富通保險、中銀人壽、匯豐保險、永明金融、 AXA安盛、大都會人壽、萬通保險、泰禾人壽、忠意人壽、恒生保險及中國人壽保險 (海外)等。
*祝賀其他2018年度獲獎機構包括:富衛人壽、富通保險、中銀人壽、匯豐保險、永明金融、 AXA安盛、大都會人壽、萬通保險、泰禾人壽、忠意人壽、恒生保險及中國人壽保險 (海外)等。

獎項詳情: https://www.iabestpracticeadviserawards.com/2018-award-winners
獎項詳情: https://www.iabestpracticeadviserawards.com/2018-award-winners

2005 - 2018 – 商界展關懷大獎
安柏環球金融集團連續十三年榮獲由香港社會服務聯會頒發之「商界展關懷」大獎。對於再次獲獎,我們感到非常高興。 我們來年會繼續努力,惠澤社群。
安柏環球金融集團連續十三年榮獲由香港社會服務聯會頒發之「商界展關懷」大獎。對於再次獲獎,我們感到非常高興。 我們來年會繼續努力,惠澤社群。

AMG安柏環球金融集團榮獲 2018 香港最有價值企業大奬
【AMG安柏環球金融集團榮獲 2018 香港最有價值企業大奬】
完整訪問: bit.ly/2uvU8H8
【AMG安柏環球金融集團榮獲 2018 香港最有價值企業大奬】
完整訪問: bit.ly/2uvU8H8

2017 - 香港最有價值企業大獎
安柏環球金融集團連續九年(2009年至2017年)榮獲由國際著名商業雜誌Mediazone Group頒發之“香港最有價值企業大獎”。
What makes companies valuable? It’s their fighting spirit in the face of adversity. They have a track record of best-business-practices, can prove they are constantly working to provide customers with more value, their operational systems work to boost productivity and overall efficiency and their brands are well regarded by customers.
How do we know? Regular pools on the Mediazone websites, interviews with passerby, press reports, public information sources, libraries and a whole host of sources contribute to the decision-making process. It’s a rigorous process but well worth it because the recession has shown that big isn’t best and small isn’t weak. Investors have learnt the hard way and today as the giants of the investment world are being led to prison, Hong Kong’s boutique investment advice providers are gaining more customer confidence. As the well regarded boss (and now good friend) of AMG, Arnold Yeung said to me lately, “Reputation takes forever to be earned but it can be lost in a second.” I agree. History agrees.
安柏環球金融集團連續九年(2009年至2017年)榮獲由國際著名商業雜誌Mediazone Group頒發之“香港最有價值企業大獎”。
What makes companies valuable? It’s their fighting spirit in the face of adversity. They have a track record of best-business-practices, can prove they are constantly working to provide customers with more value, their operational systems work to boost productivity and overall efficiency and their brands are well regarded by customers.
How do we know? Regular pools on the Mediazone websites, interviews with passerby, press reports, public information sources, libraries and a whole host of sources contribute to the decision-making process. It’s a rigorous process but well worth it because the recession has shown that big isn’t best and small isn’t weak. Investors have learnt the hard way and today as the giants of the investment world are being led to prison, Hong Kong’s boutique investment advice providers are gaining more customer confidence. As the well regarded boss (and now good friend) of AMG, Arnold Yeung said to me lately, “Reputation takes forever to be earned but it can be lost in a second.” I agree. History agrees.

《BENCHMARK - 指標》2017香港年度財富管理大獎
祝賀《BENCHMARK – 指標》2017香港年度財富管理大獎各大獲獎機構,包括富衛人壽保險(百慕達)、富通保險、中銀集團人壽保險、滙豐保險(亞洲)、香港永明金融、AXA安盛、大都會人壽、美國萬通保險亞洲、安達人壽保險、全美人壽(百慕達)。
祝賀《BENCHMARK – 指標》2017香港年度財富管理大獎各大獲獎機構,包括富衛人壽保險(百慕達)、富通保險、中銀集團人壽保險、滙豐保險(亞洲)、香港永明金融、AXA安盛、大都會人壽、美國萬通保險亞洲、安達人壽保險、全美人壽(百慕達)。

2005/06 - 2016/17 - 商界展關懷大獎
日期: 10 / 03 / 2017
日期: 10 / 03 / 2017

《BENCHMARK - 指標》2016香港年度財富管理大獎
安柏環球金融集團再次榮獲著名財經雜誌《指標》評選為“財富管理大獎”之獲獎機構(2010年、2013年、2014年、2015年及2016年),並與其他獲獎機構包括中銀集團人壽保險、安達人壽保險、花旗銀行(香港)、富衛人壽保險(百慕達)、滙豐保險﹙亞洲﹚、中國工商銀行(亞洲) 、宏利人壽保險、美國萬通保險亞洲、大都會人壽保險、先機國際、永明金融、香港上海滙豐銀行、蘇黎世保險(香港)於2016年《指標》“財富管理大獎”頒獎晚宴接受獎狀。
日期: 15 / 12 / 2016
安柏環球金融集團再次榮獲著名財經雜誌《指標》評選為“財富管理大獎”之獲獎機構(2010年、2013年、2014年、2015年及2016年),並與其他獲獎機構包括中銀集團人壽保險、安達人壽保險、花旗銀行(香港)、富衛人壽保險(百慕達)、滙豐保險﹙亞洲﹚、中國工商銀行(亞洲) 、宏利人壽保險、美國萬通保險亞洲、大都會人壽保險、先機國際、永明金融、香港上海滙豐銀行、蘇黎世保險(香港)於2016年《指標》“財富管理大獎”頒獎晚宴接受獎狀。
日期: 15 / 12 / 2016

2016 - 香港最有價值企業大獎
安柏環球金融集團連續八年(2009年至2016年)榮獲由國際著名商業雜誌Mediazone Group頒發之“香港最有價值企業大獎”。
What makes companies valuable? It’s their fighting spirit in the face of adversity. They have a track record of best-business-practices, can prove they are constantly working to provide customers with more value, their operational systems work to boost productivity and overall efficiency and their brands are well regarded by customers.
How do we know? Regular pools on the Mediazone websites, interviews with passerby, press reports, public information sources, libraries and a whole host of sources contribute to the decision-making process. It’s a rigorous process but well worth it because the recession has shown that big isn’t best and small isn’t weak. Investors have learnt the hard way and today as the giants of the investment world are being led to prison, Hong Kong’s boutique investment advice providers are gaining more customer confidence. As the well regarded boss (and now good friend) of AMG, Arnold Yeung said to me lately, “Reputation takes forever to be earned but it can be lost in a second.” I agree. History agrees.
安柏環球金融集團連續八年(2009年至2016年)榮獲由國際著名商業雜誌Mediazone Group頒發之“香港最有價值企業大獎”。
What makes companies valuable? It’s their fighting spirit in the face of adversity. They have a track record of best-business-practices, can prove they are constantly working to provide customers with more value, their operational systems work to boost productivity and overall efficiency and their brands are well regarded by customers.
How do we know? Regular pools on the Mediazone websites, interviews with passerby, press reports, public information sources, libraries and a whole host of sources contribute to the decision-making process. It’s a rigorous process but well worth it because the recession has shown that big isn’t best and small isn’t weak. Investors have learnt the hard way and today as the giants of the investment world are being led to prison, Hong Kong’s boutique investment advice providers are gaining more customer confidence. As the well regarded boss (and now good friend) of AMG, Arnold Yeung said to me lately, “Reputation takes forever to be earned but it can be lost in a second.” I agree. History agrees.

2005/06 - 2015/16 - 商界展關懷大獎
日期: 10 / 05 / 2016
日期: 10 / 05 / 2016

《BENCHMARK - 指標》2015香港年度財富管理大獎
日期: 30 / 11 / 2015
日期: 30 / 11 / 2015

2015 - 香港最有價值企業大獎
安柏環球金融集團連續七年(2009年至2015年)榮獲由國際著名商業雜誌Mediazone Group頒發之“香港最有價值企業大獎”。
What makes companies valuable? It’s their fighting spirit in the face of adversity. They have a track record of best-business-practices, can prove they are constantly working to provide customers with more value, their operational systems work to boost productivity and overall efficiency and their brands are well regarded by customers.
How do we know? Regular pools on the Mediazone websites, interviews with passerby, press reports, public information sources, libraries and a whole host of sources contribute to the decision-making process. It’s a rigorous process but well worth it because the recession has shown that big isn’t best and small isn’t weak. Investors have learnt the hard way and today as the giants of the investment world are being led to prison, Hong Kong’s boutique investment advice providers are gaining more customer confidence. As the well regarded boss (and now good friend) of AMG, Arnold Yeung said to me lately, “Reputation takes forever to be earned but it can be lost in a second.” I agree. History agrees.
安柏環球金融集團連續七年(2009年至2015年)榮獲由國際著名商業雜誌Mediazone Group頒發之“香港最有價值企業大獎”。
What makes companies valuable? It’s their fighting spirit in the face of adversity. They have a track record of best-business-practices, can prove they are constantly working to provide customers with more value, their operational systems work to boost productivity and overall efficiency and their brands are well regarded by customers.
How do we know? Regular pools on the Mediazone websites, interviews with passerby, press reports, public information sources, libraries and a whole host of sources contribute to the decision-making process. It’s a rigorous process but well worth it because the recession has shown that big isn’t best and small isn’t weak. Investors have learnt the hard way and today as the giants of the investment world are being led to prison, Hong Kong’s boutique investment advice providers are gaining more customer confidence. As the well regarded boss (and now good friend) of AMG, Arnold Yeung said to me lately, “Reputation takes forever to be earned but it can be lost in a second.” I agree. History agrees.

2005/06 - 2014/15 - 商界展關懷十年大獎
日期: 25/03/2015
日期: 25/03/2015

2014 - 香港最有價值企業大獎
安柏環球金融集團連續六年(2009年至2014年)榮獲由國際著名商業雜誌Mediazone Group頒發之“香港最有價值企業大獎”。
What makes companies valuable? It’s their fighting spirit in the face of adversity. They have a track record of best-business-practices, can prove they are constantly working to provide customers with more value, their operational systems work to boost productivity and overall efficiency and their brands are well regarded by customers.
How do we know? Regular pools on the Mediazone websites, interviews with passerby, press reports, public information sources, libraries and a whole host of sources contribute to the decision-making process. It’s a rigorous process but well worth it because the recession has shown that big isn’t best and small isn’t weak. Investors have learnt the hard way and today as the giants of the investment world are being led to prison, Hong Kong’s boutique investment advice providers are gaining more customer confidence. As the well regarded boss (and now good friend) of AMG, Arnold Yeung said to me lately, “Reputation takes forever to be earned but it can be lost in a second.” I agree. History agrees.
安柏環球金融集團連續六年(2009年至2014年)榮獲由國際著名商業雜誌Mediazone Group頒發之“香港最有價值企業大獎”。
What makes companies valuable? It’s their fighting spirit in the face of adversity. They have a track record of best-business-practices, can prove they are constantly working to provide customers with more value, their operational systems work to boost productivity and overall efficiency and their brands are well regarded by customers.
How do we know? Regular pools on the Mediazone websites, interviews with passerby, press reports, public information sources, libraries and a whole host of sources contribute to the decision-making process. It’s a rigorous process but well worth it because the recession has shown that big isn’t best and small isn’t weak. Investors have learnt the hard way and today as the giants of the investment world are being led to prison, Hong Kong’s boutique investment advice providers are gaining more customer confidence. As the well regarded boss (and now good friend) of AMG, Arnold Yeung said to me lately, “Reputation takes forever to be earned but it can be lost in a second.” I agree. History agrees.

《BENCHMARK - 指標》2014香港年度財富管理大獎
安柏環球金融集團再次榮獲著名財經雜誌《指標》評選為“財富管理大獎:客戶承諾- 金獎”(2010年、2013年及2014年)與“財富管理大獎:理財規劃流程 – 傑出成就獎”(2012年、2013年及2014年)之獲獎機構,並與其他獲獎機構包括香港花旗銀行、澳新銀行、中國銀行(香港)、東亞銀行、富衛人壽保險、標準人壽保險(亞洲)、安盛金融、香港永明金融、英國保誠保險、蘇黎世國際、富通保險(亞洲)、宏利金融、友邦保險控股、美國萬通金融集團、中銀集團人壽、英國友誠國際、藍十字(亞太)保險、安達人壽保險及大都會人壽於2014年“財富管理大獎”頒獎晚宴接受獎狀。
日期: 12 / 11 / 2014
安柏環球金融集團再次榮獲著名財經雜誌《指標》評選為“財富管理大獎:客戶承諾- 金獎”(2010年、2013年及2014年)與“財富管理大獎:理財規劃流程 – 傑出成就獎”(2012年、2013年及2014年)之獲獎機構,並與其他獲獎機構包括香港花旗銀行、澳新銀行、中國銀行(香港)、東亞銀行、富衛人壽保險、標準人壽保險(亞洲)、安盛金融、香港永明金融、英國保誠保險、蘇黎世國際、富通保險(亞洲)、宏利金融、友邦保險控股、美國萬通金融集團、中銀集團人壽、英國友誠國際、藍十字(亞太)保險、安達人壽保險及大都會人壽於2014年“財富管理大獎”頒獎晚宴接受獎狀。
日期: 12 / 11 / 2014

2013 -《指標》財富管理大獎
安柏環球金融集團再次榮獲著名財經雜誌《指標》評選為“財富管理大獎:客戶承諾 – 傑出成就獎”之獲獎機構(2010年及2013年),並與其他獲獎機構包括香港花旗銀行、恒生銀行、東亞銀行、富衛人壽保險、香港永明金融、英國保誠保險、富通保險(亞洲)、友邦保險控股、美國萬通金融集團、藍十字(亞太)保險、英國友誠國際、標準人壽保險(亞洲)、富達國際投資、安達人壽保險及奕豐金融(香港)於2013年“財富管理大獎”頒獎晚宴接受獎狀。
日期: 18 / 11 / 2013
安柏環球金融集團再次榮獲著名財經雜誌《指標》評選為“財富管理大獎:客戶承諾 – 傑出成就獎”之獲獎機構(2010年及2013年),並與其他獲獎機構包括香港花旗銀行、恒生銀行、東亞銀行、富衛人壽保險、香港永明金融、英國保誠保險、富通保險(亞洲)、友邦保險控股、美國萬通金融集團、藍十字(亞太)保險、英國友誠國際、標準人壽保險(亞洲)、富達國際投資、安達人壽保險及奕豐金融(香港)於2013年“財富管理大獎”頒獎晚宴接受獎狀。
日期: 18 / 11 / 2013

2013 - 香港最有價值企業大獎
安柏環球金融集團連續五年(2009年至2013年)榮獲由國際著名商業雜誌Mediazone Group頒發之“香港最有價值企業大獎”。
What makes companies valuable? It’s their fighting spirit in the face of adversity. They have a track record of best-business-practices, can prove they are constantly working to provide customers with more value, their operational systems work to boost productivity and overall efficiency and their brands are well regarded by customers.
How do we know? Regular pools on the Mediazone websites, interviews with passerby, press reports, public information sources, libraries and a whole host of sources contribute to the decision-making process. It’s a rigorous process but well worth it because the recession has shown that big isn’t best and small isn’t weak. Investors have learnt the hard way and today as the giants of the investment world are being led to prison, Hong Kong’s boutique investment advice providers are gaining more customer confidence. As the well regarded boss (and now good friend) of AMG, Arnold Yeung said to me lately, “Reputation takes forever to be earned but it can be lost in a second.” I agree. History agrees.
安柏環球金融集團連續五年(2009年至2013年)榮獲由國際著名商業雜誌Mediazone Group頒發之“香港最有價值企業大獎”。
What makes companies valuable? It’s their fighting spirit in the face of adversity. They have a track record of best-business-practices, can prove they are constantly working to provide customers with more value, their operational systems work to boost productivity and overall efficiency and their brands are well regarded by customers.
How do we know? Regular pools on the Mediazone websites, interviews with passerby, press reports, public information sources, libraries and a whole host of sources contribute to the decision-making process. It’s a rigorous process but well worth it because the recession has shown that big isn’t best and small isn’t weak. Investors have learnt the hard way and today as the giants of the investment world are being led to prison, Hong Kong’s boutique investment advice providers are gaining more customer confidence. As the well regarded boss (and now good friend) of AMG, Arnold Yeung said to me lately, “Reputation takes forever to be earned but it can be lost in a second.” I agree. History agrees.

2013 -《指標》理財顧問大獎
安柏環球金融集團連續兩年(2012年及2013年)榮獲著名財經雜誌《指標》評選為“理財顧問大獎 – 最佳理財規劃流程(金獎)”之獲獎機構,並於在香港外國記者會舉辦之頒獎晚宴中接受評委Mr. Stuart H. Leckie, O.B.E., J.P., F.I.A., F.S.A. 頒發獎狀。
日期: 04 / 07 / 2013
安柏環球金融集團連續兩年(2012年及2013年)榮獲著名財經雜誌《指標》評選為“理財顧問大獎 – 最佳理財規劃流程(金獎)”之獲獎機構,並於在香港外國記者會舉辦之頒獎晚宴中接受評委Mr. Stuart H. Leckie, O.B.E., J.P., F.I.A., F.S.A. 頒發獎狀。
日期: 04 / 07 / 2013

2012 -《指標》理財顧問大獎
安柏環球金融集團榮獲著名財經雜誌《指標》評選為2012年“理財顧問大獎:理財規劃流程 – 傑出成就獎”之獲獎機構,並與香港永明金融及星展銀行(香港)等之獲獎機構於2012年“理財顧問大獎”頒獎晚宴接受獎狀。
日期: 19 / 04 / 2012
安柏環球金融集團榮獲著名財經雜誌《指標》評選為2012年“理財顧問大獎:理財規劃流程 – 傑出成就獎”之獲獎機構,並與香港永明金融及星展銀行(香港)等之獲獎機構於2012年“理財顧問大獎”頒獎晚宴接受獎狀。
日期: 19 / 04 / 2012

2005/06 - 2011/12 - 商界展關懷大獎
日期: 03 / 05 / 2012
日期: 03 / 05 / 2012

2012 - 香港最有價值企業大獎
安柏環球金融集團連續四年(2009年至2012年)榮獲由國際著名商業雜誌Mediazone Group頒發之“香港最有價值企業大獎”。
What makes companies valuable? It’s their fighting spirit in the face of adversity. They have a track record of best-business-practices, can prove they are constantly working to provide customers with more value, their operational systems work to boost productivity and overall efficiency and their brands are well regarded by customers.
How do we know? Regular pools on the Mediazone websites, interviews with passerby, press reports, public information sources, libraries and a whole host of sources contribute to the decision-making process. It’s a rigorous process but well worth it because the recession has shown that big isn’t best and small isn’t weak. Investors have learnt the hard way and today as the giants of the investment world are being led to prison, Hong Kong’s boutique investment advice providers are gaining more customer confidence. As the well regarded boss (and now good friend) of AMG, Arnold Yeung said to me lately, “Reputation takes forever to be earned but it can be lost in a second.” I agree. History agrees.
安柏環球金融集團連續四年(2009年至2012年)榮獲由國際著名商業雜誌Mediazone Group頒發之“香港最有價值企業大獎”。
What makes companies valuable? It’s their fighting spirit in the face of adversity. They have a track record of best-business-practices, can prove they are constantly working to provide customers with more value, their operational systems work to boost productivity and overall efficiency and their brands are well regarded by customers.
How do we know? Regular pools on the Mediazone websites, interviews with passerby, press reports, public information sources, libraries and a whole host of sources contribute to the decision-making process. It’s a rigorous process but well worth it because the recession has shown that big isn’t best and small isn’t weak. Investors have learnt the hard way and today as the giants of the investment world are being led to prison, Hong Kong’s boutique investment advice providers are gaining more customer confidence. As the well regarded boss (and now good friend) of AMG, Arnold Yeung said to me lately, “Reputation takes forever to be earned but it can be lost in a second.” I agree. History agrees.

2011 - 香港最有價值企業大獎
安柏環球金融集團連續三年(2009年至2011年)榮獲由國際著名商業雜誌Mediazone Group頒發之“香港最有價值企業大獎”。
安柏環球金融集團連續三年(2009年至2011年)榮獲由國際著名商業雜誌Mediazone Group頒發之“香港最有價值企業大獎”。

2010 - 香港最有價值企業大獎
安柏環球金融集團連續兩年(2009年及2010年)榮獲由國際著名商業雜誌Mediazone Group頒發之“香港最有價值企業大獎”。
What makes companies valuable? It’s their fighting spirit in the face of adversity. They have a track record of best-business-practices, can prove they are constantly working to provide customers with more value, their operational systems work to boost productivity and overall efficiency and their brands are well regarded by customers.
How do we know? Regular pools on the Mediazone websites, interviews with passerby, press reports, public information sources, libraries and a whole host of sources contribute to the decision-making process. It’s a rigourous process but well worth it because the recession has shown that big isn’t best and small isn’t weak. Investors have learnt this the hard way and today as the giants of the investment world are being led to prison, Hong Kong’s boutique investment advice providers are gaining more customer confidence. As the well regarded boss (and now good friend) of AMG, Arnold Yeung said to me lately, “Reputation takes forever to be earned but it can be lost in a second.” I agree. History agrees.
安柏環球金融集團連續兩年(2009年及2010年)榮獲由國際著名商業雜誌Mediazone Group頒發之“香港最有價值企業大獎”。
What makes companies valuable? It’s their fighting spirit in the face of adversity. They have a track record of best-business-practices, can prove they are constantly working to provide customers with more value, their operational systems work to boost productivity and overall efficiency and their brands are well regarded by customers.
How do we know? Regular pools on the Mediazone websites, interviews with passerby, press reports, public information sources, libraries and a whole host of sources contribute to the decision-making process. It’s a rigourous process but well worth it because the recession has shown that big isn’t best and small isn’t weak. Investors have learnt this the hard way and today as the giants of the investment world are being led to prison, Hong Kong’s boutique investment advice providers are gaining more customer confidence. As the well regarded boss (and now good friend) of AMG, Arnold Yeung said to me lately, “Reputation takes forever to be earned but it can be lost in a second.” I agree. History agrees.

2010 -《指標》財富管理大獎
安柏環球金融集團榮獲著名財經雜誌《指標》評選為2010年“財富管理大獎 – 最佳財富顧問獎”之獲獎機構,並與其他獲獎機構包括香港上海匯豐銀行、恒生銀行、香港花旗銀行、澳洲聯邦銀行、首域投資、貝萊德、富蘭克林鄧普頓投資、美國友邦保險(百慕達)、荷寶投資管理、英國友誠國際、ING Life Insurance、富通保險(亞洲)及奕豐金融(香港)於2010年“財富管理大獎”頒獎晚宴接受獎狀。
日期: 02 / 12 / 2010
安柏環球金融集團榮獲著名財經雜誌《指標》評選為2010年“財富管理大獎 – 最佳財富顧問獎”之獲獎機構,並與其他獲獎機構包括香港上海匯豐銀行、恒生銀行、香港花旗銀行、澳洲聯邦銀行、首域投資、貝萊德、富蘭克林鄧普頓投資、美國友邦保險(百慕達)、荷寶投資管理、英國友誠國際、ING Life Insurance、富通保險(亞洲)及奕豐金融(香港)於2010年“財富管理大獎”頒獎晚宴接受獎狀。
日期: 02 / 12 / 2010

安柏環球財富管理連續6年榮獲由專業理財顧問協會頒發之“國際財富管理大獎 – 最佳客戶服務”。

安柏環球財富管理連續4年榮獲由專業理財顧問協會頒發之“國際財富管理大獎 – 最佳理財產品平台”。

2009 - 香港最有價值企業大獎
安柏環球金融集團與不同業界之商界翹楚榮獲由國際著名商業雜誌Mediazone Group頒發之“2009香港最有價值企業大獎”。
“Interestingly, research preceding our selection process revealed fewer companies qualified to be short-listed for this year’s list. Though most showed glowing annual financial results, market opinion was less than exuberant. Market opinion being one of our criteria, a small number (than usual) made it to the finish line. The results of our research programme seemed to suggest to companies that the means do justify the end because after all the opinion of the customer is important and shouldn’t be ignored at any costs. So this year’s selection may not rank among the financial successes of Hong Kong. They have however been proved to have admirable customer satisfaction focus, strong quality assurance programmes and clearly defined customer feedback-collection mechanisms. We were looking for specifics like; individual customer service quality, accurate product and service information, cutting edge product development, community service and “attitude” toward partners, suppliers and clients.”
安柏環球金融集團與不同業界之商界翹楚榮獲由國際著名商業雜誌Mediazone Group頒發之“2009香港最有價值企業大獎”。
“Interestingly, research preceding our selection process revealed fewer companies qualified to be short-listed for this year’s list. Though most showed glowing annual financial results, market opinion was less than exuberant. Market opinion being one of our criteria, a small number (than usual) made it to the finish line. The results of our research programme seemed to suggest to companies that the means do justify the end because after all the opinion of the customer is important and shouldn’t be ignored at any costs. So this year’s selection may not rank among the financial successes of Hong Kong. They have however been proved to have admirable customer satisfaction focus, strong quality assurance programmes and clearly defined customer feedback-collection mechanisms. We were looking for specifics like; individual customer service quality, accurate product and service information, cutting edge product development, community service and “attitude” toward partners, suppliers and clients.”



安柏環球財富管理連續3年榮獲由專業理財顧問協會頒發之“國際財富管理大獎 – 最佳理財產品平台”。

安柏環球財富管理連續5年榮獲由專業理財顧問協會頒發之“國際財富管理大獎 – 最佳客戶服務”。


安柏環球財富管理連續4年榮獲由專業理財顧問協會頒發之“國際財富管理大獎 – 最佳客戶服務”。

安柏環球財富管理連續2年榮獲由專業理財顧問協會頒發之“國際財富管理大獎 – 最佳理財產品平台”。

2007 - 國際卓越金融大獎
安柏環球財富管理連續兩年(2006年及2007年)榮獲”國際卓越金融大獎 – 最佳專業財富管理公司”。本年頒獎典禮於北京釣魚台國賓館隆重舉行,並由主辦單位國際金融財務策劃師學會及中國注冊理財規劃師協會聯同協辦單位中央財經大學及國際投資管理學會聯合頒發獎項予安柏環球財富管理及其他獲獎機構,包括:長江集團、ING安智投資平台服務、萊斯基亞人壽、深圳發展銀行及蘇黎世國際人壽。.
– 最佳專業財富管理公司 – 安柏環球財富管理
– 最佳投資策略企業 – 長江集團
– 最佳包管平台服務供應商 – ING 安智投資平台服務
– 最佳整付投資計劃供應商 – 萊斯基亞人壽
– 最佳國際金融產品創新卓越表現銀行 – 深圳發展銀行
– 最佳定期投資計劃供應商 – 蘇黎世國際人壽
安柏環球財富管理連續兩年(2006年及2007年)榮獲”國際卓越金融大獎 – 最佳專業財富管理公司”。本年頒獎典禮於北京釣魚台國賓館隆重舉行,並由主辦單位國際金融財務策劃師學會及中國注冊理財規劃師協會聯同協辦單位中央財經大學及國際投資管理學會聯合頒發獎項予安柏環球財富管理及其他獲獎機構,包括:長江集團、ING安智投資平台服務、萊斯基亞人壽、深圳發展銀行及蘇黎世國際人壽。.
– 最佳專業財富管理公司 – 安柏環球財富管理
– 最佳投資策略企業 – 長江集團
– 最佳包管平台服務供應商 – ING 安智投資平台服務
– 最佳整付投資計劃供應商 – 萊斯基亞人壽
– 最佳國際金融產品創新卓越表現銀行 – 深圳發展銀行
– 最佳定期投資計劃供應商 – 蘇黎世國際人壽


安柏環球財富管理榮獲由專業理財顧問協會頒發之“國際財富管理大獎 – 最佳理財產品平台”。

安柏環球財富管理連續3年榮獲由專業理財顧問協會頒發之“國際財富管理大獎 – 最佳客戶服務”。

2006 - 國際卓越金融大獎
安柏環球財富管理於北京人民大會堂榮獲由國際金融財務策劃師學會及直屬國務院發展研究中心之中國企業評價協會頒發“2006國際卓越金融大獎 – 最佳專業財富管理公司”。其他獲獎機構包括:長江集團、保時捷、萊斯基亞人壽及蘇黎世國際人壽。
安柏環球財富管理於北京人民大會堂榮獲由國際金融財務策劃師學會及直屬國務院發展研究中心之中國企業評價協會頒發“2006國際卓越金融大獎 – 最佳專業財富管理公司”。其他獲獎機構包括:長江集團、保時捷、萊斯基亞人壽及蘇黎世國際人壽。

安柏環球財富管理連續2年榮獲由專業理財顧問協會頒發之“國際財富管理大獎 – 最佳客戶服務”。